Mobile Plans In Task Manager
mobile plans task manager
User experienceThe following sections illustrate the Mobile Plans user experience. 1
mobile plans task manager
Mobile Plans Windows 10 ProcessMobile Plans In Task ManagerMobile Plans 2 In Task ManagerMobile Plans In Processes Task ManagerMobile Plans Background Task Host-->PurposeIn Planner, select the task that you want to move. 2
Activation & CheckoutThe mobile operator web portal walks the user through sign in, activation and checkoutFulfillmentUpon completion of the activation step, the user will be provisioned for data.. Selecting this link will launch the Mobile Plans app See the Mobile Plans account management topic for more details on behavior of the network flyout.. The cellular interface can be expanded to show status of the cellular network In the example below, the device has no SIM profile activated, so the user sees a call to action to Connect with a data plan.. The most common entry point is the network flyout, as this is where users typically manage their active network interfaces in Windows 10.. Choose the plan and bucket where you want to put the task Plans are comprised of content-rich task cards that contain expected elements like due dates and extra elements like files and labels. HERE
The Gateway page invokes the mobile operator web portal which hosts the next step.. This step could include download and activation of an eSIM profile UsageThe user enjoys the benefits of an always connected PC, and is able to see available balance directly in the Windows UI.. They can easily return to the mobile operator web portal to manage their account and purchase additional data as needed.. Note that some entry points take the user directly to the operator Gateway page.. Enable a new channel for cellular activation through adoption of eSIMIncrease adoption of cellular services on Windows PCs through a direct relationship between customers and mobile operatorsMobile Plans is supported in Windows 10, version 1803 and later. 773a7aa168
Everything is in Planner, so you can search less and work more Mobile Plans is an application in Windows 10 that helps end users to connect their Windows device to cellular networks through mobile operators. Click